Wednesday, 18 December 2019

AWW 18th Dec ‘19

Thought Michael Fish had retired !

Oh the relief of logging online to see the day’s Weather Forecast is good to go. Well had we started 
walking at 8.00am, yes we could have enjoyed at least 2hrs of dry walking.  As it was, little did we realise what was already on its way down whilst this group photo was being taken !

Roger, John, Sue, Miriam, Ken, Julie, Tony, Martin and Bica ( the only one with a fully waterproof coat )

And so, as we left the shelter of the Cafe light drizzle was already falling but with a Forecast predicting only ‘persistent rain mid afternoon onwards’ , and with visibility still good as were everyone’s spirits, we started on our first modest climb of the day. 

Having covered less than 3km the persistent rain had arrived early. We were still at low altitude and already all looking fairly bedraggled, with our route now disappearing into cloud. Some decisions are quite easy and this was going to be one of them. Watching growing pools of water developing around us we decided to abort the main walk and take a detour back to the sanctuary of the Cafe.

Our short excursion was neatly summarised by most of us ordering Hot Drinking Chocolate, rather than the usual beers, for which John generously paid for ( in celebration of completing a recent property sale ).

Having spent exactly 2 hrs walking in the rain, we covered 9.4 kms and gained several kilo’s of wet gear.

An attempt to complete the full walk will be made again next year.

With thanks to those who came along.