Thursday, 5 December 2019

AWW 4th Dec. 2019 A Christmas Walk in Raposeiras

'There were 10 in the bed and the little one said "Roll Over". So they all rolled over and one fell out.
There was 9 in the bed.'

So all 9 dragged themselves out of bed on a marvellous December day and came for a Christmas Wednesday Walk around the hillside of Quintas das Raposeiras in the Algarve.

There were two in the middle ignoring the camera person.
And of course there was a 4 legged mystery guest, but when she saw the hill up to the house, she advised that there was "no way she was going to pull that Bl...y sleigh up that hill, without a drink".

Off course it was Bica

After coffee and Miriam's Mince pies, we started off sluggishly on the first 8km circuit up to the trig point on a nearby hill. However those at the front had picked up the pace, so the leader had to let them take the wrong route so that we could come back on track for our timing.

The AWW is eventually becoming politically correct: it was still the youngest.

But who is missing?

Jim was hiding in the bushes.
As they had strayed off course, we had to fight our way through the bushes back to the main trail. There we arrived exhausted and bleeding. It was too gory to capture the worst of it  on film and put on the internet, but the concentration of past casualties and recent part replacements says it all.

Then the leader got lost, but there was a convenient sign to tell him where to go.

I think that the forefinger is too long and has been digitally enhanced compared with the others.
Anyway Bica did as instructed and got in the golf buggy and off she went.

And so we arrived at the hill which leads up to where the leader lives. There were now spots of rain, and some picked up the pace again and the group went quiet as we concentrated on getting to the top

And then "when all was still" a quiet voice was heard "Are we nearly there yet"?

It was 8.1km for the first loop.

We had a leisurely lunch of some soup and bread, a bit of Christmas cake, but everyone was flummoxed by the desert which came with the coffee.

Brussel Sprouts?
The rain had passed and it was brightening, but when the leader cracked the whip to try to get them started, there were some who thought about just sitting and putting their feet up till we returned from the afternoon circuit. It was not allowed.

Off we went. It was scratchy and narrow in places, but we all prevailed. And it was gorgeous.

We bought a couple of cans of 7-UP on the way.

I can understand that Miriam would believe him, but Tony as well.

And then we came to the hill that leads up the leaders house.

And then "when all was still" a quiet voice was heard "Are we nearly there yet"? 

And then we were.

There is always at least one out of focus photo an Frank Ms walks, it was the 2 beers.

And we had a cup of tea, some more of Miriam's mince pies, Iceland Christmas Cake and M&S brussel sprouts.

And they left for the last time this year.

After they had gone a little portly gentleman with a beard, jumped up on the table, hit his walking pole on the table and shouted "Oi! Who ate all the mince pies and left this Iceland Christmas cake"? I think it was Frank M in disguise.

The walk:

Morning about 8km
Afternoon about 8km

Speed Leisurely
Hills easy.

Merry Christmas

Frank M
5th December 2019

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