Friday, 31 January 2020

AWW Walk Report – Wednesday 29 January 2020 Ribba a Terinha

AWW Walk Report – Wednesday 29 January 2020
Ribba a Terinha

21 Walkers and 1 x dog
Frank, Terry, Sue, Kay, Sara, Trudy, Ros, Jim, Gill, Linda, OP, Sue, Nancy, Martin, Isabel, Brian, David, Geoff, John, Dan, Russell and Jasper the dog.
Everyone was punctual and after the car share to the start of the walk we managed to head off a few minutes earlier than planned at 9.41am.

We were impressed 99% of people had read the the walk details and come prepared for the water crossings.  Plastic bags, flip flops and towels.  Those deciding to take a paddle said the water was surprisingly warm!

At the second water crossing Terry demonstrated his crossing skills.

We met Robert Nestmann from “Happy Donkeys Algarve” taking some of his guests on a Donkey walking expedition.  He was surprised to see us and said he had never met anyone before during the past 5 years he has been walking in the valley.  He organises farm stay holidays with walks with his donkeys and runs a private donkey rescue centre.

Russell fell at this point as he thought he had seen the entrants for the Cheltenham Festival next month.

After the water crossings we headed back up the valley to our lunch stop. 

We had a slightly later lunch at 1pm, having completed just over 12kms but we were now at the highest point of the walk.  We enjoyed views all the way down to the coast.

New tree planting

Back to the café in Rasmalho for refreshments.  Having completed over 19kms in less than 5 hours, including lunch stop.

Linda and Russell would like to thank everyone for joining us and to Ros for providing some of the water crossing photos.


  1. 21 walkers and only 1 possibly 2 Tilley hats! Fings ain't what they used to be! 🤠

  2. Tilley? That were last decade´s thing! Get with the vibe, man 😊
