Tuesday, 14 January 2020

AWW Windmill walk : Wednesday 8th January 2020

AWW Windmill walk
Wednesday 8th January 2020

In attendance:

David,Jasper,Martin,”The Lady” Roger,Gill,Linda,Sue.M,Isabel,Russell,Sue.R,Jim,Geoff,Richard,John.R.
Hope the sick and injured are now fit and well! Ken,Miriam,John.D,Sarah.
Meeting point was the café at Alto do Relogio with wonderful views of where we were heading.

We dropped down into the valley and up the other side passing Goldra Dog Santuary,creating quite a stir,however I had pre warned Jan Henderson!

Thank you Martin for doing the honours at trig no 1,the two younger ladies had sick notes.

On the steep descent the walk leader resorted to going down on her bottom and Martin didn´t even shout his usual “Hurry up Sue”.

Onwards to the first windmill and great views over Sta Barbara and the sea,thankfully Mar Shopping was hidden round the corner.The opposite view was to the other side of the 270 where somebody thought there was a lake,however I had to point out it was a solar farm!

After our visit to the second windmill and on a narrow path,David warned those behind that it was slippery at which point Russell fell backwards into a very thorny bush. Hope Linda got all the thorns out.

Lunch stop at the house for a cup of soup then off down the lane,the  little detour was noted by Richard.

Before we got to the second trig point we spotted a tethered donkey and Sue .R was kind enough to share her beautiful apple with him.

The café owner was delighted when we returned,not sure how they make any money.

Distance 1.8klms ( I know Sue said it would be a short walk as she kindly lead at short notice, but it wasn't that short! Ed)

Ascent 400metres ( All of that too!)

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