- Venue: Font Filipe
- Leader: Frank
- Participants:
Frank, west coast wind blown biking John, (obviously aristocratic with all these accreditations, Tony, Russell & Linda, Geoff & Sue, Jim & Gill and representing our former colonies, (all of which can resume their former roles now that Brexit is done!),
America: Nancy, (Reagan family?)
Canada: Don (as in the Don! - take care!)
The Dordogne: Alan(shorty short cut!) & Trish
And finally two new walkers Simon & Jane, bolstering representation from the UK's greatest crown dependency and possibly the most beautiful place on earth - Jersey!
Note: In this blog no further reference will be made to BREXIT full stop!
Now this was a first ever Algarve Wednesday Friday walk (confusing already) and it had to be different and we were not to be disappointed. Frank notified a starting point and nothing more..., anticipation and mystery - never has that happened before on a Wednesday walk! And he kept us in suspense throughout the day, with extensions to trig points for some and ad hoc route changes which had little impact as we didn't know where we were going anyway - a bit like BREXIT! Oops!
For precision and completeness Frank has provided screen shot details of the planned and the actual walk.
It was a great walk and thanks to Frank for leading and also for his wee surprises - a welcoming coffee and cookies at our meeting point..., and only those not present will never know the ecstasy of Frank's 117*C tablet!!!
Other walking tales and tails:
- Jane on her first AWW outing also achieved a maiden trig point adornment!
- piggy, wiggies, pigging out on their lunch, some of whom joined us for dinner?
- Venue: O Pescador
- Hostess: Sue M
- Participants:
the Friday walkers minus Frank, Simon and Jane, plus,
Sue, Julie, Martin,Roger & Trish, Ken & Miriam,Scott & Sarah and finally our patron from Portugal and her colonies, Isobella dos Santos or should that be Isobella dos Lagoa!
(As an aside, Isabel is quite an accomplished artist, see http://www.forum.carvoeiro.com/viewtopic.php?f=39&t=28396! )
The dinner was as they say in Scotland - a great do! Gregarious company! First class Portuguese local produce, appetisers to make you salivate, piping hot soup,(a first for many in these parts!), delicious fresh fish, and equally tasty pork, (the latter best enjoyed by those with a good set of original nashers!), followed by sweet puddings and coffee.
The wines flowed and the tongues wagged - what more could anyone wish for?
From all the diners to Sue, a hearty thanks.
- Venue: Various!
- Host: Martin
- Participants:
Due to a number of star performer non disclosure agreements, we are not at this time able to give further information.For those interested in these matters, please check this weekend editions of Hola, Hello and other such publications.Martin our host of Loule by night,did a fine job before and after dinner locating and reserving prime positions, a man known to many in all the hotspots in town - we now know more of his weekends!
Having spoken to a number of the later evening personna, all refer to a memorable evening but when pressed the memory bit is more nuanced, even hazy!
Show me the way to go home.....
The next morning.....the scene from the night before...
Look carefully, and there is our dinner hostess enjoying her morning coffee in the sun...
My friend from last night....
A great day out, a great night out!
A first for the AWW - more for the future please!
Finally a big thank you to our Great Coordinator for bringing Wednesdays to Fridays, and good food, wine and company to the many not the few!
P.S. We were all having such fun on Friday evening that we completely missed BREXIT getting done! Oops again!
(But thanks to Frank and Gill for photos, along with mine.)
"Just lovely to see everyone. What a really good idea......quite disappointed we are not there with you, but fly off to CA tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteOur very best wishes to everyone including absent friends, Janet&John"
In case you were wondering about Frank's tablet, it's a Scottish type of fudge , I am told!