Wednesday, 11 December 2024

That End of Term Feeling, All Over Again

A remarkably similar weather forecast greeted 15 intrepid preprandial AWW stolllers on our 4th of December repeat of June's Rocha Amarela walk from Alte - i.e., no rain, blue skies, you'll be fine...

And, of course, it was overcast and then drizzled, briefly but annoyingly. However, we finally reached the sunlit lowlands and enjoyed some brilliant sunshine before lunch.

The Walkers (no Dinahs at this point of course) were David, Miriam, Russ, Linda, Ros, Sue, Geoff, John, Susan, Tony, Martin, Ken, Julie, Peter and MeSelf.

[Interestingly, compared with the 21 Walkers of June, we were therefore sans Wendy, Don, Jan, Claire, Fiona, Kieran, Karen, a different Julie, Jim, Stephen, and Gill but avec KenMiriam, Martin, John, and Susan.]

Getting people to the start point was a breeze this time. Four cars, 5 minutes. Simples.

This is (still) a gentle walk of 9.4 km or so; flat or gently uphill for the most part, but having decided to tackle it in reverse this time (i.e., clockwise, not walking backwards, that would be silly), the Bastard Hill in the middle was transformed into a downhill section of no great difficulty. Even Ros agreed.

The walk was actually very enjoyable but spectacularly uneventful, so Geoff's lovely pictures can tell the story unembellished by any superfluous scuttlebut:

[Except to say that the Sausage Factory in Charneca de Nave was definitely smoking something, but there were no signs of them selling any of it.]

Hoorah, A Christmas Reveller!


Feliz Natal a todos!


p.s. Damn, I did the Dinah Joke again ðŸ˜¬

Thanks for blog Terry, but thought I ought to add a couple more photos of the pre-lunch  drinks, especially as it was good to see Sue M again.....

...and the lunch....withy Eileen and Dinah...

If there was a prize for the most Christmassy couple, Ken  & Miriam would have won it. However I did a quick review in numbers:

18 walks completed

8 different leaders....with David at most ( 5) but  perhaps Awaydays don't count...

38 different walkers

166 person walks

3 people with 9 walks....Linda, Sue & me

1 person with 11 he won the bottle of vinho tinto

I  also thanked ( or meant to anyway) Ros for organising lunch and  David remembered to thank the the various Mrs' Kitty....Julie & Miriam

Happy  Christmas and New Year to you all, see you in Feb.



  1. Many thanks for walk and blog Terry, it was just right as an appetiser for some javali.

  2. A very pleasant walk, followed by a suitably festive lunch.

  3. Linda and Russell11 December 2024 at 20:55

    We had a lovely day out. Thanks to Terry, Geoff, Julie and Miriam for organising everything.

  4. Thank you very much Terry for leading walk. Lovely to see non- walkers (as well as walkers!)and enjoyable meal.
