Sunday, 22 December 2024

Christmas Carols on the go. December 2024 from Querenca

Once in Querença a quiet village, stood six lively Wednesday walkers (and two dogs)

Tony, Diane, Julie, Martin and Rafa, Linda and Toby

Away in a manger no crib for a bed ....

In the bleak mid-winter, AWW members don’t stop. They get out their boots and walk. Hardly any moans.

Hark the hardy walkers sing, strolling on tracks, much joy it brings...

While walkers ate their lunch time grub, all seated down on rocks ....

It came upon the signage clear, a climb that was foretold.

Ding dong merrily on high. A trig is always good fun.

O come all ye walkers, joyful and triumphant. Back down the hill to enjoy the views.

Joy for the dogs, two watering holes. And the walkers enjoy the fun...

O little hill to Corte Garcia how tough you are to climb.
But we don't care, we´re nearly there because we can see a sign.

We three queens of Algarve are. Carrying bags we’ve travelled so far. Field and fountain, moor and mountain
Following our leader.

God rest ye merry, gentlemen. Let nothing you dismay. For Julie’s got the kitty and drinks are on their way.

The stats:
14.26 kms
575 metres of climb

Many thanks to Alan for the photos, Martin for the stats and everyone for the company.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all our walking companions See you in 2025🎄🎅


  1. Not quite the bleak midwinter it is back here in UK, and certainly no snow laying about, but looked like a jolly time to end the year. Well done.

  2. Perfect day out and well done with the carols. Thank you so much. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to all.

  3. Happy Christmas to you all and thanks for all your love and support. Keep walking!!!

  4. Brilliant blog, Julie. Happy Christmas!
