Tuesday, 21 November 2023

 Linear walk from Parizes to Sao Bras 9th November 2023


After early morning rain the sun came out and I was lucky enough to ‘volunteer’ to write the blog for the most glorious of three days of walking – as it turned out!

I had blue skies, sunshine and 10 happy walkers with a spring in their step and a smile on their faces - but sadly excluding a rather lame Jim, and Frank and Jan. We met in Sao Bras in a lovely sunny café and had a “very decent coffee” to quote Geoff, before heading off to our meeting point in Parizes. 

Gill rightly suggested that we all needed to stretch and limber up before our day of walking … so energetic early morning gymnastics were called for -


We were so enthusiastic we were caught doing a good hamstring stretch in the group photo. 

According to the bosses we had a lot to look forward to - plenty of downhill paths with little uphill slogs, so optimism reigned.

Shortly after setting off Ros found a wash house which she couldn’t ignore. Obviously being an extremely conscientious housewife, Sue joined her too. 

The countryside was beautiful. Rolling hills and woodland…perfect for our downhill stroll 

We clambered past a tree which had obviously only just fallen over our path. 

After 30 minutes of walking, it dawned on us that the walk description wasn’t quite as accurate as we’d hoped. This downhill walk was proving to be rather uphill.  

Yesterday we helpfully moved the fallen signpost into the correct position. Today we realised that we weren’t as smart as we thought and put it up again.

Finally after 9.8 kms we found our river lunch picnic spot chosen by Gill. Perfect for a relaxed lunch in the sunshine and approved of by our doggie companions and a colourful dragonfly. 

Gill (the Boss) assured us that it really was downhill from then onwards. 

Had we heard this before?  On we marched into what felt like the middle of nowhere when from the side of the path a smart wooden construction appeared. Obviously a public convenience we joked.  But yes, that’s exactly what it was. Absolutely incredible. Here’s evidence of Ken trying it out …well almost! 

Here I am shocked at the goings on around the public loo….or was it just the Portuguese heat getting to me?  

We took streams and rivers in our stride.

Gill swore it was all downhill - it just didn’t look like it ….

Finally the tarmac we’d been longing for appeared, signalling the end of the walk and we arrived in Sao Bras around 4.30pm - we’re obviously not getting any faster. 18 beautiful kms in fabulous countryside, but what more could you wish for? Thanks to all those - Gill, Jim, Susan and John - who reccied todays walk. A triumph indeed. Thanks also to Alan for taking most of the photographs.
Then on to the never disappointing ‘last supper’ in Tia Bia.  

Alan and Carol joined us and Ros thanked Geoff on our behalf for all his hard work organising us difficult OAPs. 


As the evening continued the effect of the wine became more obvious.

Big thanks to everyone for making it such fun.

Love to all, Marian


  1. That was the best lunch spot I can ever recall.

  2. Fabulous weather for your scenic,(uphill) downhill route. We enjoyed the weather on the other side of the Guardiana on two wheels. Gill's pre-walk stretching definitely a useful innovation.
