The Walk that Never Was...then Was....but still Isn't !
Intro. Back in Easter 2019, Gill & Jim planned a walk at Bordeira , but a combination of fuel-tankers' strike and wet weather meant a postponement. Nothing too dramatic in that, but film buffs may recall the 1950s wartime film of "The Man who Never Was" about a scheme to fox the Germans about the invasion of Sicily : hence a blog was written of " The Walk that Never Was". This was before walks were regularly blogged, but John H couldn't resist posting it for posterity at : AWW 2016-21: AWW 2019 04 17: A Wee Bit Rain and No Petrol (
This even caused Paul of the WAGS to comment ...."Which brings me on to the Philosophical point I made in my Blog of October the 18th 2006 -A Walk that Wasn't:-Can a Blog exist without a Walk? - OR can a Walk exist without a Blog? I am still waiting for a satisfactory answer, but John has provided some fine evidence!"
As there is now the film's remake ( called Mincemeat, the code name for the scheme) it was considered time to attempt the actual walk rather than the fictional one. Jim & Gill readily agreed to lead the walk as Ros couldn't do her scheduled one, as long as I did the blog. I don't know if the film remake is better than the original, but the blog won't be as I don't possess Jim & John's erudite commentary skills.....but the actual walk ( such as it was) was a vast improvement on the imaginary.
Enough digression, onwards to the blog....
Seven walkers and Bica arrived at a quaint little cafe in Bordeira, recently taken over by an enterprising young couple, for the usual prewalk caffeine. We welcomed Marian's sister Helen. The starter photo:
All delightfully picturesque, but a good 10 minute holdup before a pressing 22kms.....and 3 hills and 3 trig points to go.
The spring flower were truly magnificent...if only our official photographer Alan was in residence to do them justice, instead of being AWOL.
Onward and uphill to hill number 1....
When Trig Point number 1 was also spotted.....but it was decided not to divert over rough ground to climb it ( no doubt, much to Helen's relief!)....
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