Thursday 26 May 2022

AWW 25/5/22 Umbria circular walk

9 of us gathered at the picnic spot in Umbria for coffee and home made biscuits before setting off.

Left to right:  Alan, Lee, Martin, Bica, Ken, Rafa, Miriam, Sue, Jim, Gill and Frank

The first part of the walk was along the banks of the Ribeira do Alportel, with not too much of a hint of the hills to come.  The temperature was perfect.

The dogs took some water on board.

After starting our ascent we passed the little hamlet of Formalha and continued up.

We passed some kilns and Alan and Miriam had a discussion as to what they might have been used for.  No conclusion was arrived at  and Alan promised to investigate!

On and on we climbed until finally we headed down into the valley way below.

And so to lunch.  It was an early stop as we had been walking at such a fast pace.

After lunch it was up and down, through a tiny hamlet and down to the river again before heading back to the road.

The river was over the ankles deep when we recced last week and now dry as a bone.  Lots of complaining about carrying water shoes for nothing!

A welcome drink was taken at Monte Velho restaurant




  1. Makes a change from the VA....would have made a lovely change from 3.5 hours sitting in Faro yesterday too! Well done Ken & Miriam...and new girl Lee.

    1. Thank you for great company everyone and delicious biscuits and coffee Miriam!

  2. Those kilns look more like the lime burners you find in the UK, but it depends on the nature of the rock locally.

  3. So glad to see Lee made it after introducing her to our coordinator. Looks a lovely walk. Sorry to have missed it.
