Saturday, 2 February 2019

AWW Walk report – Figure of Eight from Odelouca – 23 January 2019

AWW Walk report – Figure of Eight from Odelouca – 23 January 2019

24 Walkers and 2 x dogs
David, Graham, Jim, Ruth, Janette, Martin, Paul, Jill, Kim, Scott, Geoff, Ros, Alan, Sue, Trish, Linda, Ken,
Sue, Russell, Sarah, Isabel, Frank, John, Steve plus the dogs Jasper and Bica.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the AWW imagine how much pleasure it gave me (and now the wife knows,
she will put a stop to it) seeing all those happy smiling faces on a beautiful sunny morning, panting, yes
panting at the starting gate for the off.  Russell
Coffee was taken at Café Casa De Pasto Parreirinha before the off.  After a short tarmac start and much
chattering and merriment, jaws dropped, and eyes glazed over as the SLOPE (a Russell euphemism for
a bloody great big hill) came into view.  It would be fair to say this would be a test for S.A.S. selection).
However, heads down, arses up we all scrambled to the top gasping, swearing and ripping clothes off
at a frantic pace.  Voices were heard to mutter “I´m bloody glad we only signed up for half of this”. But
everyone gets a mention in dispatches and medals could be awarded at a future date.
The pace never slackened and as ever the undulating slopes of the AWW and regulation 4km per hour.
 No dogs, no other people and silence (other than heavy breathing and panting). Great 360 degree views
and only one person (you know who you are Alan) who realised we were on the return track back and the
same track we traveled 1 hour 20 minutes before.  
After a short tarmac stretch, we arrived at our starting café to eat our lunch in the sunny beer garden.  
This was far too much of a temptation for some and beer was purchased by several members who were
to continue the second leg.  Lunch was organised for the half way drops outs Graham, Ruth, Paul,
Janette, Alan and Trish (some of Geoffs Monday walkers) at a bargain 7.50 euros all inclusive at the
nearby Restaurant Ourique.

We said goodbye to Frank and Ken, and Bica the dog.  Plus, Miriam who came to see us after her flat
walk around Alvor. ( Unfortunately, Ken left his walking stick/pole at the cafe, never to be seen again..Ed)

Lunch over, the remaining 16 walked by the river for a nice flat 20 minutes to let the food digest.  Then
the slopes started. It is fair to say the afternoon is a rollercoaster that peaks at one of the best views we
have on our walks.  It looks down on the Arada with the sunlight shimmering along its length and the
Mira Rio Restaurant in the background. The boys managed a bit of frivolity and a few belly laughs which
resulted in Russell doing a somersault downhill and grazing his arm.  

After a slight detour, due to a road having been built with no discernible start or end, we descended
a steep slope to the rivers edge where birds fed and sang their tunes.  
Isabel thanked the local workman for creating the “new path”.

Someone had created a heart and Jasper enjoyed running rings around us all.  Then the “relaxing”
flat run into the bar where beers and wine were drunk.

Birthdays were celebrated (Sue) and homemade short bread enjoyed.
It was nice to see Miriam and thank you for taking the starter photo.  Also welcome to Sarah and
Scott who joined us for their first AWW walk and hope to become regular walkers.  They also contributed
some of the photos.
The second section of the walk was completed in an even faster time 8kms in 1hour 55minutes.
Thank you to everyone for joining us and making this a fun and enjoyable day out.  Linda and Russell

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