AWW Walk 1 Season 2023/2024
The first walk this season brought us to the hills and river along the Rib.a de Merces. The overwhelming large group of 3 persons, Peter, Frank Mc.Ewan and Steve Silby assembled at the local museum Alportel. The weather was in favour of us. Blue sky, a few clouds, no wind and moderate Tem-perature after the past few weeks.
Through Alportel we walked into Juncais and crossed the dry river along the local hiking trail, up to Cerro de Alportel and up to the “footballpitch”. No Helicopter exercises present. Down through shrubs and bushes to the Rib.a de Merces and along the southern bank to the “Irish Crossing” of the river.
After a short break in the shade of the large canopy of the trees we proceeded along the Rib.a da Hera towards the dirt track Juncais- Almorjao and went up north towards the landmark Ataleia. No,we skipped the final approach. Instead we enjoyed the stunning view.
As of now we went downhill along the firebreak passing Cartaxo and Juncais. Smelling the beer already the last few steps were easy. The bar was open and the first gulp was wonderful .
Sorry, the photographer was not available this day. What a shame. So remember the participants as you remember them from older photos.
Meant walkers!