Tuesday 29 November 2022

AWW walk report 23 November 2022....Rasmalhio

 AWW walk report 23 November 2022....Rasmalhio

There were 12 walkers and 2 x dogs.  

Starters, L to R : Julie, Ken, Linda, Karen, Tony, Gill, Frank, Geoff, Ros, Sue H , Sue M, Alan...and Toby...and Bica somewhere

 The walk was different than planned due to a wrong turning not far from the start. This meant we would not have time to climb up the valley to the hunting lodge.  As everyone was happy strolling along flat paths and chatting away I decided to continue the walk on the tracks in the lower part of the valley.  Unfortunately, this entailed walking past a number of very active bee hives.  Sue got stung but the ladies rallied round with medication.

When we stopped for lunch Ros curiously asked where the big hill and hunting Lodge were.  I came clean and told the group about the missed turn and the walk had now been changed.  

Not being one to disappoint too much I said I would provide a couple of water crossings and an uphill section in the afternoon and try and keep to the advertised distance of 18.5kms and water for dogs etc.

After lunch we headed round the valley bottom to two water crossings.  The water levels were not too high so we managed the crossings without incidence.  Ken and Tony competing to find the biggest stepping stones.  

We then headed up a steep track which ended up in an off-piste ramble.....(getting like a David walk  I thought....lost, off-piste all we now need is to loose a dog...Ed).

  I found a way back down to the wide tracks and assured everyone I knew where I was, although I could see a few worried faces.  

We did not see any other sign of life apart from the horse Alan managed to photo and a curious sign Tony spotted.

We continued on wide tracks and reached the cars at 3pm.  Then it was a short drive back to the cafe for refreshments.  Thank you to Alan for the photos and to everyone in the group for putting up with the re-routing.  ( A guy at the cafe, enquiring about our walk, did wonder how all the ladies got there first to bag a chair and a drink...ed).

We completed the 18.5kms in just over 5 hours.

1 comment:

  1. It was a lovely walk on a lovely day....if you hadn't mentioned lunch at the Hunting Lodge, no one would have guessed you were lost/mislaid...Rod would never had admitted! Well done anyway, a new walk for us. Looking forward to doing the correct one.
