Tuesday, 14 June 2022

Ribeira de Algibre, June 8th

 Ribeira Algibre

This week's walk was very well attended, despite late cancellations due to illness, a fall and a vehicle problem. Our dynamic dozen are pictured here outside the cafe with no name in the small hamlet of Ribeira de Algibre, close to the path of the river with the same name.

The river rises in the foothills of the Caldeirao from tributaries around Querenca and Amendoeira, passing through Quinta de Ombra, Tor, westwards towards Paderne, where it turns in a south westerly direction, finally meeting the sea at Vilamoura. There is a good path of about 42 km all the way from the Roman bridge at Tor to the sea. But today's walk was somewhat shorter than that.

From left to right, Terry, Geoff, Sue, Julie, Jan, Tony, Alan, Ken, Yves, Ros, Miriam, Robert, plus of course Bica.

The main challenge for all of us this week was the heat. And our main preoccupation was finding shade and the chance of a breeze. Fortunately the start headed through shaded paths down to the river passing an old head-high irrigation channel.

Walking west with occasional shade, beside the dry river bed.

The first of many stops in the shade and everybody still smiling.

Surely Geoff hasn't had enough already! And where did he find that chair?

The first major hill and Yves seems to be enjoying it.

Come on Ken, head up. There are good views to be had. Or maybe they're not a match for the Himalayas.

Looking west towards Foia.

Time for another shaded stop.

At last, salvation. Provided by the Igreja de Boa Hora. We can sit under the shade of the Plain trees enjoying a gentle breeze while we eat lunch.

Proper seats too. Luxury!

But there's more walking to be done, and the shade is getting a little scarce. We pass through agricultural land on our way to Monte Seco.

Let's head for those trees.

Finally onto the tarmac road up to Monte Seco. Is somebody a fan of Bollywood films, or maybe the Kama Sutra?

But by now most thoughts will be on the climax to our walk. Bolstered by the many colourful flowers along the way, such as these bougainvillea.

At last we're on the final descent to the finish, cheered on by these energetic canines, who sprinted up the hill to lend their encouragement. They knew we'd had a ruff time of it.

So ruff, Julie was desperate enough to try a drink from from an electric well pump. At least I think that's what she's doing!

A final reminder of the agricultural importance of this valley and the water that flows through it. Some of the time.

And despite the heat of the sun, some are already preparing to heat themselves this coming winter.

Enjoying our well-earned rest and rehydration after a hotter than average walk.
Thanks to everyone who managed to make it and to Alan for his pictures.

Some statistics:

15.3 km
350 m of climb
4h 05m walking
25 m lunch stop

Tony and Julie


  1. A lovely walk Tony & Julie, great way to do the last walkof the year, wonderful countryside....at least the cafe had good coffee and beer, even if no wine....

  2. The bar at Ribeira de Algibre is called Bar Reguengos.

    1. Thanks for the info. I think that's the name of a wine? A pity they don't actually serve any.

  3. Thank you, Julie and Tony. A great walk with lots of shade and a wonderful lunch spot. Well done, despite all your recent domestic pressures.
