Thursday 16 June 2022

AWW : End of year walk(let) and Lunch, 15 June 2022

 End of year walk(let)  and Lunch, 15 June 2022

11 walkers arrived for coffee and the starter photo , curtesy of Martin , but with Rafa pining at home for missing his weekly outing . Cycling Jim ventured forth from Luz to rejoin us, though not quite sure what the girls thought was so funny...

L to R : Jan, Terry M, Frank, (cycling) Jim, Linda, Geoff, Russell, Sue, Marian, Ros

This walk(let) was going to be quite short, just to wHet the appetite ( did you know Ros used to teach English and she & Sue  had pulled me up on my spelling previously!) It is based on a walk that Monica has done, but with a bit of Geoff improvisation.

Fortunately, it was about 10C cooler than the previous few days, though quite humid. I had promised a flat(ish) walk, but the Zimbreira mountain (all of 197m) began to appear...

Zimbreira....are we going up there?

Ros had recently scaled the heights and reported smelly bags at the top to the GNR : there seemed only the one route up and down, so decided to leave that particular adventure to another day...always  leave something to come back to.

For some reason, the converstion for some turned to particularly exotic ladies shoes made by Loubouton which could cost thousands....bit out of my league! Apparently they have red soles, but who sees  that?

We passed through some pretty hamlets, with some very des-res properties needing total renovation, but I forgot that Alan wasn't there to take pictures, so they will have to remain in your imagination.

We did approach a gypsy camp , usually empty, but now with half a dozen dogs....and as many begging children! Moving swiftly on , we did glance at a young foal....

Coming to Monte Boi though, some decided they needed a rest....

"Where's my seat ?" thought Jim

 "Ah, that's better!

With a car of multi colours...

Monte Boi was a village of two halves : some new expensive villas, but with a pretty street of older properties....

And so back to Casa da Zabel, to meet with those who were only there for the beer and lunch...

Alan had the prize for most exotic shirt...

Ros & Linda made a quick change to greater elegance...

....and Ken & Miriam arrived just in time....

Eileen made her return...

Food preparations were well underway....

The menu was quite large....and cheap!

 And so to eating...though the wine was a bit late in  being served...

I gave a brief resume of the year....45 walks, 13 days of VA, only 3 cancellations ( 2 for rain, 1 for no walkers!) and no less that 15 different leaders. A drink was  raised to our absent treasurer , Sue M , for all her hard work, and to the 26th year of the AWW.

I think all enjoyed it, thanks for coming and your company throughout the year, shame not all could be there, in particular our VA walk Leaders Jim & Gill , ably supported on the reccees by John & Susan.

Lasly, here are the track stats....elapsed time almost 2 h 15 m



  1. Thank you, Geoff. Much appreciated. Have a good summer.

  2. Lovely walk, conversations and lunch thanks Geoff.

  3. Looks great fun. A pity to miss it but visitors - you know.

  4. Did you enjoy the lunch Jim
