Friday, 8 January 2021

And then there were four!

 Franks Five - minus one 

Wednesday 6th January 2021

Fonte Tareja, near Sao Bras

Unfortunately Ros was self isolating having been in contact with a person with Covid 19 so we were down to 4 walkers, Miriam, Frank, David and Ken plus Bica and Jasper. It was extremely cold. Even the coffee machine at the café hadn't warmed up so we had to find another café.


We set off along a wide track, with hands getting colder by the minute.  We then passed Fonte Alto Bico and a farm where there were more old tractors than new, and even a snow plough.  It was so cold we thought we might need it!

Heading off down into the valley, the way became very muddy and it was obvious the Ribeira Algibre would be a little difficult to cross.

But not for our intrepid walkers.  Frank leading the way closely watched by the 2 amused dogs, everyone safely manoeuvred the crossing with only David's feet wet!  Ros, we needed your flip flops!

And then we started to climb for quite a while.  David even took one of his four layers off.

 Almost at the top and we spotted the pylon set amongst the dappled clouds. The views from the top were spectacular. Miriam told everyone there was only one hill.....but it proved to be not the case!!

Frank and David were at least socially distanced for lunch.  Bica and Jasper got a little closer!


After lunch we walked along the ridge for quite a while, taking in the views and of course a few more hills.  Then it was downhill all the way ( or was it?).  We wound our way down the hairpin path listening to the river meandering its way down with us.

Over another ridge and down a steep path through the cistus we arrived at the river bed again.  This time there were stepping stones to walk along but it seems only I used them!

Back to the café for a well earned hot drink. No cold beers for us today but cake instead!


  1. Sounds as if the Algarve is almost as cold as it is here in England....but I noticed that Frank is still in his shorts! Not too sure that Ros' flip flops would have been an asset in freezing water. Well done the Fab Four anyway.

  2. The chill was the same on our walk. (Blog imminent). And no central heating to return to!
