Saturday 2 January 2021

Alone and Solely Loitering - along the Ligacao.

 The EAWW (FM) has become a little fragmented over the festive season. For different reasons, folk could not all walk on the same day, so there have been some solo efforts.

I decided to explore one of the linking routes that join the main towns and railway stations with the main Via Algarviana. The nearest to me is Ligacao 2, which runs from Loule Station to Salir. The first section involves walking through the industrial estate and Loule centre, so I opted to start north of this, on the northern bypass.

Wednesday was cold but brilliantly sunny all day, so I had ideal conditions for the job. Apart from the very beginning and one other point, the route is perfectly waymarked with the red and white international signs, so anyone can follow it. 

The route allows for some marvellous views. After the first few k, it follows various bits of walks that several AWWs have led. 

I started along a narrow road, almost unnoticed, that runs north from the bypass, immediately to the left of the Sports Centre car park. The first section is a stiffish climb up through the parish of Santa Luzia. The route crosses the back road from Cruz de Assumada to the Querenca road out of Loule.. Then the path turns due north again for a time before bearing east to come down almost to the Querenca road again at Malhada Velha. 

Spurning the tarmac, the route turns north again, to climb to a trig point at the suitably named Altura, in the Cerro Guereiro, before returning for a third time to the main road at Charneca. Then followed another eastward detour and a descent to the valley of the Ribeira de Merces before climbing most of the way up towards Querenca

Turning left downhill instead of heading up to the village, the route leads down to the car park for Fonte Benemola, and then along to the Fonte itself, before continuing on into the valley beyond and then up the long climb to the plateau above. This leads to Corcitos and a descent to the area of the seven fontes.

The final climb is up into the Cerro da Corte, followed by a walk along Vale das Alagoas, where I found my two stream crossings of the day and finally got my boots wet. Just beyond this, the Ligacao meets the main Via Algarviana, which proceeds by way of several twists and turns to Salir. I left the route here and walked up into Palmeiros, passing Casa Otter, and shortly afterwards was rescued by my ever-loving from the task of climbing back to Covoes. An absolutely splendid day, to be repeated!

I did around 21k in around 5 hours, with about 830m of ascent. As I don´t have a selfie stick, my photos are all views plus dog!

        Early Doors at Santa Luzia

                        Off the tarmac, going towards Malhada Velha.

                               Looking back to Loule.   



                        Looking out towards Tor and Benafim

                                This bloke kept eating my lunch.

                                Querenca through the trees.
                                Interesting use of cavity foam

                                Fonte Benemola. Good to see.

                        Cerro da Corte. 3k from the end, he wants to turn back!  

                             Spring flowers - before New Year.

                                     The Offending Stream

All Trails Map of the Route.



  1. Jasper made good company by the look of it.

  2. Well done David. Being very close to the link in Clareanes, we've done most of the route on various outings. The section from the station to Loule isn't that bad and avoids the industrial estate. It gives some interesting views of the outskirts of Loule that you might not otherwise visit. Some very nice pictures.

  3. Well done, David. At least you had your furry friend with you for company. You should have given us a knock when passing although if it had been Wednesday I would have been leading "my" bubble. Happy New Year to you both and, hope in the not too distant future, we can all meet up again.
