Monday, 28 December 2020

A foggy wander...

 The Central and Western branches of the AWW joined forces last Wednesday to venture out together.  In our neck of the woods the numbers of walkers have depleted over the last few weeks due to brave (or crazy) members venturing back to the UK or Ireland.

We met at Cafe Perreirinha near Odelouca at 10.00am.  We headed out into the fog hoping it would clear.  

Foggy morning in the Algarve

The fog did clear and the temperature rose a notch or two. 

Fog on the hill

 We only walked 12kms but there were more than enough ups and downs to give us an appetite for lunch.  

                                                                   The fog has cleared!

What, more hills!

We all stayed for lunch al fresco at Cafe Perreiriha after the walk.  

Lunch al fresco

Linda and Russell


  1. Looks like a good Christmas Lunch was enjoyed...

  2. Glad to see the mist didn't put you off.

  3. Loving seeing you all. Can't wait to meet up in 2021. Happy New Year and here's to a healthier and safer one.
