Thursday, 30 April 2020

Lockdown Loops - Terry Mace

Lockdown Loops, 


Trapped on the Wheel

Here is the first of what I hope will be loads  several  maybe more than one? 'Lockdown Loops', where AWW people tell the waiting AWW world what their life looks like over the last few weeks, at least on the days they (literally) brave the Great Outdoors.

This is our 'standard' walk in our local area. It takes about an hour, and we like it 'cos it has a variety of countryside and some good views. I sometimes extend it from this 5km to about 15km, if I can make time in my busy schedule.

Anyway, here are all the starters, lined up ready to go from the Start Point (which was er, by the front door):

 Terry M, Monica, and Lulu

... but Lulu made her excuses shortly afterwards and went back to the sofa, leaving just 2 participants.

Never mind, our first stop was to say hello to our neighbours Pat and Terry, who as you can see are really not keen to let us anywhere near them:

..  up to the World-Famous, but sadly currently 'fechado' A Nossa Tasca Na Nora Bar & Restaurant:

and then out of the village, to get a glimpse of the shining sea, somewhere over near Armacao de Pera:

... onto a little track which 'not many people know about' 

I was determined to get a photo of a white cistus, but sadly forgot to mention this until after (apparently) I had walked straight past them, and had to settle for a pink 'un:

and masses of (what I am reliably informed are) Pyramid Orchids


and so on back through the bustling centre of Mogas, orange groves, more orange groves, past the house that Dave & Jacqui (whoever they may be) are renovating,


 and so to home and a welcome cold Sagres, enjoyed by, well, just me...

Anyway, enough exercise and excitement for one day. Tomorrow, I get to go shopping!



Length: 5.39 km
Time: 1 hr 13 min
Average Speed: 4.4 km/h (but that does include talking to Pat and Terry)
Elevation Gain: 95m


  1. Whilst it must count as the shortest AWW walk on record, nevertheless many thanks for such an amusing recount of your self-isolating walk in lovely countryside: a well deserved Sagres.

  2. Fun! Thank you Terry and Geoff. I intend to contribute but need to remember to remind myself as I'm gathering for my next walk. May be a precursor to a future AWW walk as Geoff has me scoping out one in the Western Algarve. Be well.

  3. Well done Terry. Great idea. May also do one🥴

  4. You do realise that because Lulu dropped out you lost 33.3% of your group. This is totally indefensible, and may lead to disciplinary action. Later contributors please note.

  5. Having had a ☔ rain sodden day how lovely 🤩 to read this and see the sun and as always the great algarve countryside lol Tina xx

  6. Well done, Terry. Fun to read. Sunshine at last.

  7. You can't blame me for losing Lulu, getting her to do what you want is like 'herding AWWs'

  8. Well done Terry, amusing reading! X

  9. Thanks for an interesting blog. We're relaxing in sun in West Cork. We've been so lucky with little rain. Next week we can go as far as 5km so hope to recce a suitable West Cork walk for you all. Susan and John
