Saturday, 17 September 2016

AWW 20th Anniversary: Part 3.2 – Photo Album 2


And some there were who came mainly for the meal

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Dinner for two

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Why so serious, ladies?

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Ah, that´s a bit better

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The “ever-noble” Yves – un homme bien élevé

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Mmm… I wonder what my wine club back in England would make of this

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Maybe she´s heard this one before

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Haven´t we done well

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End of Part 3.2. The Photo Album continues on Part 3.3

(Go to  for Part 3.3)


  1. It was a very happy occasion indeed: on the pictures published here, the Walkers and friends share no fewer than 208 smiles of all kinds, many with that familiar sparkle in their eyes to accompany the ever-present banter!
    Congratulations to the organisers and long may the Walkers raise the dust on those tracks!
    PS: when do we start the bookings for the 50th anniversary?

  2. Thankyou Yves for sparing me the close up, high pixel depiction of my laughter lines. They say the camera never lies, but that does not negate the need for judicious wielding of the airbrush and body contouring tools. We will need a new image director/corrector before long if the pro cameramen are wielding such high end equipment, rather than the traditional Box Brownie or cheap Chinese smartphone.
