Monday, 19 September 2016

AWW 20th Anniversary: Part 1–The Walk


Pre-amble to the 20th Anniversary Blog

Traditionally AWW blogging, as instituted by Paul, was a mixture of factual, photographic and statistical record, along with diverse and inconsequential commentary, not infrequently irrelevant, mildly scurrilous and gently mocking. As one trying to follow in those his footsteps, this scribe has found this a difficult blog to put together because, much as he would have liked to maintain Paul´s ethos, he is even so very well aware that our two Anniversary Co-Organisers, Rod and Myriam, share a strong aversion to anything that remotely smacks of waffle, both firmly adhering to the completely admirable dictum that “brevity is the soul of wit” (a nod towards Shakespeare was not uncommon in Paul´s day as Blogger-in-Chief), and he would not wish to offend them (at least, not on this occasion) by disregarding their preferences. This blog therefore will consist very largely of Rod´s own writings, which will be in black in the following pages. Editorial asides will be in blue or orange, will be low key and kept to a minimum - well, that´s the present intention anyway. You will find four parts to the blog – the Walk, the Lunch, a Photo Album, and then a Miscellanea.

And now, without further ado, please give your undivided attention ( a catchphrase frequently used in Blackadder, I believe)… your undivided attention, I would repeat, to Rod.

From idle chatter with Myriam, as one does!, about how long we had been tramping the hills came the realisation we had been  going 20 years and we ought to do something about it in terms of an anniversary event. Thus was born the idea of a shortish walk in Maurice Clyde´s old stamping ground and a lunch at one of his local restaurants which we would jointly organise.

Little did we imagine that 50 past and present members would appear and that 3 of them would  come over from the UK specially for it. What was even more impressive was that, despite record September temperatures, 23 would actually join the walk which the leader (Rod) had only slightly tailored to suit the circumstances.


Early arrivals were looking keen and were already boosting their energy reserves.


  ​ The Starters


Those brave and seasoned souls surely deserve a mention.

Back row: JohnO (AWW Supporters Club Rep), Chris, Tony Webster, Rod,

Middle row: Myriam, Judy Cooper, Antje, Marian, Nick, Pam, FrankM,

Front row: Rose, Jane Cook, Hazel, Francisco, Yves, Paul, Jan, Carla, and George,

On her haunches: Maria, and on the side lines: Ingrid, Janet, JohnH.

The Statistics and the Track



The walk from Cafe Sustelo followed some easy tracks and footpaths to the north of Poço Barreto, partly​ following a walk appearing in Maurice´s own walking guide book.



A neighbourhood Vigilante patrol, just checking



Among the returning veterans  was this 48 year-old Rohan shirt.



And, in accordance with tradition, blood was shed


There was little shade to be found  

and two hours was enough in the heat, and the ever noble Yves came back in his car to collect a couple of wayward stragglers. 


Towards the end  -  Poço Barreto in sight

 Paul´s splendid personally designed T-shirts featuring the AWW name, the blue blob, the cistus flower, and the ship and ravens of St. Vincent (our patron saint for those that remember), were distributed, proved very popular and were at once donned by many.



Autograph signatures were collected for Myriam´s personal shirt. Following a post-walk drink or two and a freshen-up (well in some cases a total reformation!) at the Bar Sustelo we repaired just along the road to O Alambique to meet up with everyone else. 


 Reformed Characters indeed 

End of Part 1. The narrative continues on Part 2. 

(Go to     


                                                       for Part 2)

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