Monday, 24 February 2025

AWW Walk report – 19 February 2025 – RIBBA A TERINHO

AWW Walk report – 19 February 2025 – RIBBA A TERINHO

12 walkers and 3 x dogs. Susan, Linda, Kieran, Audrey, Fiona, James, Sue, Ros, John R, John D, Bruce and Geoff (the photographer).  The dogs were Bica, Toby and little Zoe.

We met in Rasmalho and then drove 3kms further up the road to the start of the walk.  Geoff kindly offered to be photographer in Alan's absence. We started out at 10.10am.

We kept the dogs on the lead for the start in case of cows but there was no sign of wildlife so they ran free the rest of the day.  We could hear the gushing river flowing down from Monchique.

On to our first water crossing which was much easier to cross than advertised.  But the guys had a play about with a few stepping stones.  It looks like they were trying to play golf.

Lots of flat sections to get us warmed up and get the conversation rolling.

( Lots of backsides, the temp photographer imitating the Official one, Alan)

The next water crossing was just as easy so no plastic bags required today.

Now it was time to head up the valley one of the only main hills of the day, albeit a long gradual one.

Once at the top we could enjoy some more flat walking as we zig zagged on winding paths, enjoying the views and the heather....and some strange ordure...

After 2 hours of walking we took a fairly early lunch at a point with a few stones to use for seats.  John D had brought his little chair which he has had for several years.  Susan said next week's lunch will be much later.

After lunch we kept the pack close together as there were lots of paths off to the sides.  Some asked how I knew which way to go.  Only Geoff had noticed some of my shiny markers and arrows left from the recci.

We had one more steepish hill and then it was a nice downhill stroll back down the valley whilst enjoying the lovely Algarve sunshine.

At the bottom of the valley, we joined part of the path from this morning and one of the river crossings.  It had become much wider in just a few hours so it was a slightly longer jump, but no wet feet and no falling in, even though Geoff had the camera at the ready.  Lots of water was still gushing down from Monchique but it gave the leader an opportunity to wash a very dirty little dog.

I had just been thinking how nice it was we had seen no other sign of life during the walk, apart from a few birds.  Then across to our left about 150 metres away we saw the motorcade for the Volta do Algarve heading up the N266.  So, we stopped and watched all the cyclists and the support vehicles as they went by.  We could not have timed it any better.  Lots of chat after about all the other times the walkers had come across this event elsewhere.


Back to the café for the post walk drinks sat outside in the sunshine.  Susan and John had to rush off as they had to get one of their car tyres repaired.

The walk was 15kms as advertised and we had perfect walking weather and dry feet.  Thank you for joining me and thanks to Geoff for the photos.



  1. Great walk, thanks Linda...nowhere near as wet as adverised, thank goodness!

  2. Thanks Linda for leading a very enjoyable walk. Thanks Geoff for organising

  3. Thanks Linda for a very enjoyable walk From Bica James and Audrey
