Friday, 15 November 2024

Guidiana Day 3


Autumn hike on Grande Rota do Guadiana GR15


Day 3 :14th November 2024

Route: From Odeleite to Laranjeiras and onto Alcoutim by taxi

Pre walk drama

Despite consulting numerous weather apps the forecast clearly showed a day of rain and more rain ahead and suggested that we should skip this section of the walk. A day relaxing overlooking the Guadiana with a few board games and lunch beckoned. Despite this weather warning 10 optimistic walkers decided to continue our Guadiana adventure, Ros thinking her knee needed a day's rest. We put on our coats and decided to face the rain.

The motivated and eager walkers were then informed of a problem with the mini bus which was to transport us from Alcoutim to the start of the walk at Odeleite. The wipers on the bus needed new rubbers. This normally wouldn't be a problem in the sunny Algarve. However, the forecasted wet day suggested otherwise. Every problem has a solution and a second run for one of the taxis resulted. The early arrivals at the cafe had a welcome coffee while they waited for the other walkers to arrive. During our wait approximately 200 Swedish walkers and runners passed by the cafe. Initially we assumed that they were new applicants for the AWW. However, Geoff immediately rejected them as they wouldn't stay within the average speed of 4kph which he had mandated for our walk.

Eventually the remainder of our walkers arrived. A lady in the cafe kindly took the initial photo and we set off.

                                                                     Start of walk

The walkers from left to right: Ann, Selina, Jan, Susan, John, Sue, Caroline, Geoff, Karen, and David.

The walk

Initially we retraced our steps from the end of day 2 and descended a steep incline until we found the GR15. We then followed a pleasant relatively flat path for approximately 6km. During this section we passed an adventure park with it's unusual climbing wall.

                                                               The Climbing wall

Further on we encountered an historic mill.

                                                                       The Mill

                                                      Jan minding her new home

                                                        Karen with her floral display

We arrived at Foz de Odeleite and looked forward to a bica or abatinado and pastel de nata. To our dismay the village was deserted and there was no cafe open. Despite the lack of caffeine we began a steep climb.

We dined at the 12 km mark at the top of a rocky pathway near the village of Corte das Donas. Here we encountered barking dogs (thankfully behind a fence) and a number of old wells.


                                                                               The Well

Following lunch it looked like a downpour was in store. We put on and off our waterproofs as the sky threatened to open up. Thankfully, we only encountered light rain.

We continued on a fairly wide undulating path to Alamo which we reached at the 17km stage. During this section we encountered traditional homes, flowers and a secret gate until we reached the road.

                                                                   The Secret Garden

 We debated going up and over a nearby hill but opted for the flat road walk.  A new boardwalk by the side of the road facilitated our walk until we reached the cafe which had a stunning view over the Guadiana at Laranjeiros.

                                                                        The boardwalk

                                                           An interesting cat mural

                                                                             The Café

                                                                            The End....of the walk

Following our well-deserved refreshments we returned to Alcoutim by taxi. This journey afforded us a spectacular view of the Guadiana.

We were all delighted that we completed this section of the route especially as the heavy rain and thunder never materialised. We were safely back in our hotel before the inclement weather began.

Pre-dinner drinks  at hotel

 Surprisingly, we then  managed to get to the O Camane for another great meal, and back, without getting a soaking, despite a lake forming by the cars.


Distance: 19.4 km

Uphill section: 6.8km

Downhill section: 6.8km

Flat section: 5.7km

Walking time: 4.25hours

Ascent: 219m

Descent: 334m

Average speed: 4.4km/h

Many thanks to David for leading, to Geoff for organising and for the stats, to Ann for the photos and to you all especially our newcomers: Karen, Caroline, Ann and Selina for your company. The group gave David and Geoff  a plaque each designed by Ann , whilst treating David to his dinners and  giving Geoff some lovely wine.




  1. Yes, we were incredibly lucky with the weather, a most enjoyable walk. ( Luis told me that it was the windscreen wiper motors that had failed on the taxi).

  2. Well done Susan, interesting blog. We were so lucky with the weather that day and what storm thàt night! Civilized pre dinner drinks.

  3. BTW that was me, Sue. Don't know why I'm suddenly anonymous!

  4. What great blogs Geoff and congratulations to all the walkers. I really feel that I missed out on a fun and interesting walk. Well done all.
