Thursday 8 June 2023

The Solution: 90 in any 180

Goldilocks had suggested that it might be too hot, or too wet, or too long, or too steep. However 3 bears and Goldilocks met in Arrifana, where the weather was just right.
The leader was having all sorts of problems with these phones in cameras and was getting ready to tear it apart with his teeth. The surroundings were much preferrable
We set off down to the beach. It was all very easy: And there was no soft sand
But the walk was to prove a little bit harder as we climbed up off the beach to the cliffs at the south.
But the views were grand.
At the top we surveyed the view and caught our breath. They still all looked happy.
We had a drink and moved off south along the edge of the cliffs. We came in sight of the seastack at Pedra da Agulha. Below us was an inflatable boat, and as we waved, all the occupants jumped into the water and started to swim for shore.
We made our way down to Praia do Canal, where we met the swimmers who had just reached the shore. I spoke to one of them whose name was Marian, without an accent, in English. She told me that they had approached a Group Travel Agent that she knew, to get them into Portugal and the EU, without getting their passports stamped. They had been caught up in this BREXIT nonsense. She and the others had houses here in the Algarve and wanted to be out in the sun for more than 90 days in any 180. They had left Southampton on a small coaster, and then transferred to the fast boat to get closer to the coast. However, the Albanian coxwain refused to land on the beach, as promised. He had seen strange people up on the cliffs, watching them through binolulars and waving. He thought that they might be immigration oficials. So they had swam for it. She advised that at the end of the summer the Travel Agent had advised that if they got to Calais, then he would arrange another fast boat to get them back across the channel (or at least out of French waters) to the UK. He could even arrange for hotel accomodation for at least a couple of months back in the UK. For FREE. We said our goodbyes and saw them trudge damply up the path towards the road. We took the easy route along the beach beside the cliffs. The leader had tried this walk along the beach for about 2 years, but each time the waves had been up to the cliffs. Today we had timed it for a low low tide.
At Praia do Penedo, we stopped. Bruce suggested we try stone skipping as there were so many pebbles on the beach. Geoff thought it would be better to play golf on Pebble Beach.
We scambled over the boulder field and started the ascent up to the headland, when SUDDENLY: there was an aparition: on the skyline LOOKING DOWN on us weary travellers was the Wicker Man.
No it was just Bruce, who had skipped over the boulders and up the hill just like the Flash. We moved inland and stopped in a shady location with grand seating for lunch. It had taken us 3 hrs 20 min to do 9.8km. But they were real AWW kms of up/down/clambering over boulders, etc.
We took our time over lunch and then circled north and west back towards Arrifana. We stopped at the Praia do Canal Nature Resort, which is a high end Eco resort in the middle of the Parque Natural do Sudoeste Alentejano e Costa Vincentina. You can only get there on an unmade road or foot. The cost for a room for one night this weekend is Euro 498.00. We just stood outside for a photo.
We arrived back in Arrifana. Passed the house which looks as if it is sliding into the valley and which the leader was by now too tired to take a photo. The cafe did not sell Sprite so we had home made lemonade, which burst the bank. But we deserved it.
This was a "proper" AWW walk It was 18.2km
And then as we left and got into our cars, the heavens opened and the rain came crashing down in torrents. A great day Frank M 8th June 2023


  1. A great walk Frank, shame there were only the 4 of us. Whilst we are also caught in the 90/180 day saga, not too sure we will be taking advantage of Marian's Travel Agent's offer, water too cold on west coast. My gizmo says we climbed 394m...almost 1300 ft in old money. Walking was 4h 37 m, but elapsed time was 5h 49m....mainly getting breath back! However, the average walking speed was a credible 4kmh. The timing for the weather was brilliant.

  2. BTW, the brave four, in addition to leader Frank, were Sue, Bruce and dogs, perhaps just as well witrh those cliffs!

  3. Yes brilliant walk and superb walking weather. Just an update on the Marian situation. A naval patrol boat caught the trafficker who has spilled the beans on Marian and the other 5 so if it hits the headlines rennet you heard it here on the Frank News 🏹😂

  4. Glad we weren’t there! I might have had a few wobbles!

    1. Thanks to Bruce's help I was able to negotiate a very nasty downhill.

  5. Looks to have been a grand day out west, sorry we missed out!

  6. Well done Frank, a very enjoyable walk and perfect weather and timing with the deluge which came down just as we were sitting in the car! Thank very much.

  7. Well I very nearly made it!!!! Foiled at the last fence. Yes….. so desperate am I to spend more time in the sunny climes of portugal I even befriended an Albanian coxswain to get me to Portugal. He obviously freaked out at your waving!…. and then you miserably left me wet and cold to struggle to the road exhausted.
    Although I’ve seen the beaches from the cliff tops I’ve never actually walked along them because of the tide levels. It would have been a great opportunity …..if I wasn’t wet.
    I’m so envious of your walk, and wish rather that you had got caught in the deluge!
    Perhaps one day I shall succeed in conquering that walk. Well done all….. what a great effort.
    Love Marián (still in the UK!)

    1. The Marian, that I met on the beach did not have an accent. she spoke excellent English. Our Marián has a definite accent. She must have been hiding behind the boulders to ensure that noone she knew would recognise her and tell the taxman. Frank M
