Saturday 20 May 2023

AWW Walk Fonte Ferrea 17th May 2023

 12 walkers assembled at Fonte Ferrea  - shame the café wasn't open. Jan, Julie, Peter, Gill, Linda, Terry, Ros, Frank, David, Jim, Tony, Ken and Miriam taking the photo. We welcomed Peter ?Eichorn, who joined us for the first time.  He is an Algarve House House Harrier. Where was Alan the photographer when you needed him? Well actually he'd had a better offer to go to lunch at Loule camera with Carol,  as a thank you for putting Loule on the map with their success in the National Archery competition.  Well done to both. (2nd and first respectively.)  Bica and Toby were off exploring so didn't join us for the photo.

We set off at a fair pace following the river although there wasn't much water in it. It was quite a narrow path to start with  but eventually it opened out and we gradually meandered uphill for a while.  David carefully placed a new stone on top of a cairn.


It was warming up and the dogs found a great place to paddle and cool down.  The walkers had to make do with a quick drink.  Then refreshed, the dogs led us up the hill towards Cova da Muda.

Before heading through the hamlet, Linda realised Toby was missing but after a few shouts of "Torbee", he came rushing up and we headed up the road to find a convenient wall to sit on for a banana break.

Ros obviously had some urgent messages to read and Toby was hopeful of a treat after his wandering off.

Refreshed we headed down quite a steep shale path, avoiding the chickens and ducks in the house, before the path flattened out and we stepped it out along the valley towards Tareja.  Just before Tareja, we turned off up the hillside, passing the reservoir where the dogs had yet another welcome paddle.  We were surprised at how hot and humid it had become after the much cooler start to the day.

We headed up the hill towards the kennels we had passed on the previous walk, and came up across all the cork having been cut and stacked and loaded ready to go to the factory.  I'm not sure this tractor is still in service though!

We walked back through Cova da Muda, and came across an interesting house. First they had made good use of some spare cork and then Peter pointed out the ingenious contraption for  ensuring the smoke from the BBQ doesn't get in the windows. 

It was then downhill all the way, picking up with the river and heading back into Fonte Ferrea where the café was open.  We enjoyed our lunch break sitting at comfortable picnic tables and enjoying the drinks from the café.  It was lovely to see Sue Minnis who joined us for a glass of wine and collect the subs.


Walk stats:

Distance: 12.42 km
    Elevation gain: 298m
    Moving time: 2 hours 49 mins
    Average pace 13.37
   Calories 1467


  1. Good to see Sue, even if only for the drinks.....and welcome Peter to the AWW, but remember this was a short one, presumably as HOT!

  2. Thank you Miriam and Ken. Lovely walk and great picnic area.

  3. We were at Lagos Camara to receive a vote of thanks and a plaque, Loule would have been nearer!

  4. Thanks Miriam, a very pleasant walk.
    Well done Alan and Carol.
    The pace would be mins/km.
    13.37x12.42=166.0554 mins
    Divide by 60 = 2.76769 hrs
    Which is about the 2hr 49m that we did.
