Thursday, 20 April 2023

Not a strenuous walk ... 19th April 2023

 AWW  19th April 2023


 9 walkers and 4 dogs gathered on the outskirts of Sao Bras.  We welcomed Marshall and Wendy back and they had brought their dog Ted to join us.  He looked very "posh" amongst the 3 rescue dogs! It was hoped they wouldn't lead him astray.

L-R: Linda, David, Ness, Terry, Wendy, Marshall, Martin and Ken with Miriam taking the photograph.


Initially we walked uphill out of Sao Bras, and there were a few rumblings about how no hills had been promised, but the leader reminded them she had said " nothing strenuous". Once out of the town, we crossed some old farm paths and zig zagged our way towards Alportel.

It was surprising to come across a small vineyard in the paths leading to Alportel, and shortly we found the old washing facilities.

We headed up out of Alportel discovering beautiful flowers along the way and were glad of our first banana break at the entrance to Fonte Ferrea. Bica nearly pulled Ken down a steep descent looking for food!

We then headed down into the peaceful  surroundings of Fonte Ferrea.  The dogs were glad to be off leads and paddling in the rivers.  We were to cross the river many times during our walk.


There was panic in the ranks when we came across this hill, clearly marked with a footpath sign. However the walkers were relieved to find we didn't need to go that way.  Phew!

It was starting to get hot by now, and a combination of pollen from all the cistuses and the dust gave Terry a fit of coughing.  Fortunately he recovered quickly and we walked on.

The heat was taking its toll, and Wendy asked if it was nearly lunch time! So we stopped for lunch at Fonte Tareja to eat and recover.

After lunch we headed  back onto the farm tracks and rural roads leading down to Sao Bras. 


Finally we made it back to the café for a well earned cold drink. 

I forgot to take the café photos and so missed Terry and Martin. Apologies.     


  1. Glad to see a good number...and Tery M back walking.... and no mishaps!

  2. Sorry to miss a lovely walk

  3. Great walk, but I really think the leaders should have known they were going to cut the grass on that waste land at the start! 🤣

    1. I’d forgotten about that!!

  4. Thank you for the lovely walk. Linda and Toby

  5. Typical that I miss the walk from Sao Bras but I have just come down from the Empire State Building after a 20 km walk around Manhattan. We are off to Niagara Falls then Memphis and Nashville before returning home via Washington DC. I should be back walking on 10th May, see you then.
