AWW Wednesday 1st February 2023 – Around the Alfontes countryside and hills
On a beautiful sunny but cool February morning our walkers arrived from all parts of the Algarve. Fresh from her Austrian ski adventures Jan needed some extra navigational advice as did Sue despite Karen’s best efforts.
The 14 walkers were (from left): John, Jim, Gill, Mark, Trish, Sue, David, Ros, Julie, Jan, Karen, Kim, Tony and Rafa.
Sadly, with no local coffee shop available we set off down the hill to begin our hike enjoying the beautiful sunlit countryside.
But soon we came to the start of a long slow climb to the highest point in the walk with some stragglers bringing up the rear.
Some stragglers of the Viking nation were finding the going tough and were quite a way behind.
Tony, helpful as ever was providing sweeper cover.
After our short break we headed downhill to a nice flat narrow path alongside the dry riverbed.
Even in winter it is scary to see how dry the riverbed was:
where we reached a short quiet road section before turning off again into the hillside.
Nearing the end now we climbed a final hill up to our parking spots and a short wait for our rearguard allowed time to admire the views:
A final drink in the busy local cafe was very much welcome with some of our hikers looking like there needed it.
Many thanks to everyone, total distance 17.1km, 249m ascent, stats and map below for reference.
Well done...good to see David and Sue back walking