Inagural Walk September 2022, mishaps and all
In days of yore, when Men were Men and Women were Women ( and not Birthing People ) the AWW used to walk in the rain (see below) and blogs were a lot more erudite than they are today , meandering-on about such esoteric topics as Angels dancing on pinheads and the suchlike : the walk barely got a mention at all. With this week's walk leader declaring UDI on writing blogs, your co-ordinator has stepped into the breach, and this blog is thus likely to follow that pattern, as I am a thousand miles away in the UK.However Alan kindly sent photos and some walk details. And so to begin.....
There was a great reluctance to lead on the inaugural walk of 14 September, so Ros kindly volunteered at the last moment, albeit with a caveat on the weather. The day before the walk, most forecasts foretold rain : as there were only 2 others coming , the walk was cancelled. This prompted young John H, now a WAGS, to comment that rain never caused AWW walk cancellations back in his days of yore, supplying photographic evidence ( from 2010 ):
Anyway, mishap 3 was the return by the " Email Administrator " of many of the correction emails I had sent out : problem was, they were only returned on Wednesday afternoon, too late to tell anybody. I just had to hope that enough of the correcting emails got through, or that walkers were savvy enough to realise that 21 Septembe was meant, not 21 October.
It was with some relief then to see the starter photo, showing 10 walkers and 2 dogs:
Unfortunately, there were a number of quad bikes parked and consequently there was a queue for drinks:
When they got back to Fonte Filipe the humidity was intense after a night of heavy rainfall and storms so the Wimps of Ken, Miriam, Alan, Roger and Lee decided to end there . The Rambos of Sue , Karen, Jan, Ros and Martin ( note, no Oxford comma, for grammar pedantics!) continued for another 8km loop.
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