VA Day 8 Odelouca (middle of nowhere) to Monchique
February 3rd 2022
Prelude 0900: Ken: " Have you seen the car keys?"
Miriam; " No"
Marian: " Ros, we need to go to the police station, I've lost my phone"
0930: Geoff: "Marian you left your phone in my car last night"
0945: Miriam: " Gill, go without us we still can't find the keys"
10.00 Miriam: "We've found the keys wait for us!
10.15 Jan "Where are they all? I'm sure they said we'd all meet in the middle of nowhere. There's no phone coverage here"
1045 Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, the motley group finally convene after quite a sick inducing drive round the scenic bends overlooking the Odelouca barragem.
L to R: Ros, Ken, Miriam, Bica, Susan, Gill, Jan, Jim, Sue, Geoff, John, Maria and Alan.
So our illustrious leader had told us it was going to be a wet day (i.e we'd be crossing rivers and also that we would have a spa opportunity)
Off we set without a care in the world - 45 minutes late, some of us stressed, some full of anticipation at what might lie ahead.
At this stage we were told that in actual fact this was just a short detour to the spa and that we'd have to return this way again later. Lots of grumbling at this stage and Gill was heard to call Jim an unmentionable name but we carried on up through some steep rocks and a twisty path.
And then we came upon a spa .... right in the middle of nowhere (deja vu?!)
Jim assured us the water was really warm
Note the paisley swimming shorts!
So by then we'd covered 4 km and achieved nothing of the VA walk. More mutterings were heard in the ranks. But allegedly this deviation was to avoid the nasty English lady with the dogs who would not allow any walkers over her land even though the VA had gone that way since the beginning. Jim and Gill's previous encounter with her plus the involvement of the GNR meant we really could not risk going through her land. So Jim put the detour in to keep the distance correct.
Lunch was by then very late and very welcome. We could see Picota and knew it was gong to be a tough afternoon.
And of course what goes up must come down!
And so to Monchique. 16.45 and a very long day. Back for a very welcome hot drink.
Later that night everyone enjoyed a lovely meal at a local restaurant. The group gave Gill some champagne and Jim some wine as a thankyou present for all their hard work preparing for the 3 days.
Distance 16.3 km
Moving time 4.37h
Ascent 800m
Descent 432m
Average speed 3.5km p hr
Yes, a very hard day's hike.....with another the next day!
ReplyDeleteWell done guys, that's some slog up to Picota.