Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Fatburner Mark 2 : 24 November 2021



We all gathered on a damp wet morning at the cafe near the market for our early morning 
Slurp of coffee . We welcomed some new walkers that had brought the damp wet weather all the way from Ireland , guests of John and Susan !
All gathered are :

Tony ,John, Steve, Sue, Brid ,Susan, Julie, Mairead ( at the back ), Martin ,Jan ,Linda, Geoff ,Rosarie, 
Sue M, Gill ,Jim, and 2 South African can not remember names (tut tut, Barry & Beulah, Ed) ! And  Raffa four legged friend . 

We were off ! Thankfully the rain went and the sun came out . 
4 km on flattish road then a stop for a strip off........ 

......then came our 1st. hill and the fat burn began:

Great vistas of the surrounding area and a 007 type house down below:

We were up then we were down and yes you guessed up again then down a nice flattish path to our lunch spot , some one said it was the finest lunch stop they have ever had on a AWW walk !  

The clouds gathered and the rain came again, luckily we were still in our fabulous lunch location and was able to shelter and keep dry ( the luck of them Irish) ha 
Jim found a beer tap hooray  but sadly it was not connected 🙁

Onwards and upward , Tony found a unique shower hanging from a tree ............(fortunately, empty!)....

 ......then we came across Quinta da Esccocia Jim being Scottish had to stop for a wee photo ....

More ups and downs and finally to the windmill :

Raffa is smiling !

....and the beautiful site of the village below , and down we went with a slurp of beer in our minds ! 

All home and dry and the beer order in ( thanks Sue M) all we’re happy walkers. 
Thank you to all of you for coming and apologies for the late blog , thank you Alan for 
the photos . 

19 .4 km
548 Elevation gain
Speed touch over 4 km a hour


  1. Almost 3 years since Fatburner Mk1, and a jolly good walk, only bits of it dimly remembered.....I think Jim said that it took 30 hours of recce, can believe that! Well done.

  2. Well done and thanks Gill and Jim.xx
