Have you heard the one about the Englishman, the Scotsman, the Irishman, the Frenchman and the Italian? No. Well I couldn't possibly tell you here. This is an AWW blog after all!!!!
This week's famous 5 L to R : the Irishman Martin, the Italian Sergio, The Scotswoman Jan, the Frenchman Tony and behind the camera, the English woman Julie.
We met at the church by the Salir watertower. Unfortunately the tapas bar was closed so we had to forgo a pre-walk brew and get going on the trail. In a departure from the normal, Jan lead us down the back passage to the start of the route.
This took us past the appropriately decorated butcher's shop.... though I don't usually buy my chicken off the top of a pig. Perhaps it's the Salir way? Looks like a friendly butcher. Wonder if he's got a big chopper?
I could make one of these!
Always good to find a quiet, shady spot for a quick one.
The very big wall.
The evidence. Yes we did stop for drinks in Benafim. A quick lesson in the use of GPS.
Back on the trail we decided to stop for lunch before the climb back. During the break there was a very interesting discussion on male grooming using the technical terms which I couldn't possibly mention in this blog! There is no evidence of this thank goodness!! After lunch it was again onwards and upwards, over the top then down towards Salir. Great views once again.
Typical Algarvian design in the little hamlet of Portela da Nave.
After a slight deviation with a steep descent (and who doesn't like a spot of deviation??) due to the leader abrogating her responsibility to lead, we made it to Ponte de Salir. The end was in sight.
Are these people famous?
At last, a very welcome drink in the shade of the now open tapas bar.
Can anyone spot a visitor?
The vital statistics.
Well done Julie for your virgin blog!.....as Ronnie Barker said, a double entendre has only one meaning....
ReplyDeleteYes, well done, Julie. A most enjoyable and fun day out. What laughs we had! More to come tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteThe 'decorative' cottage (shack) in Covoes belongs to Alvoro, our local oddball. Lives in his own world, but has a good heart. The building with the portraits is occupied by Satori, street entertainers. Great blog Julie!
ReplyDeleteThe 'decorative' cottage (shack) in Covoes belongs to Alvoro, our local oddball. Lives in his own world, but has a good heart. The building with the portraits is occupied by Satori, street entertainers. Great blog Julie!