The Formidable Five met at Portela do Barranco to wander the ridges and valleys of California: the original California which is just north of Salir and not the upstart in the USA.

Bica, Ros, Ken, David and Miriam. Jasper took the photo with Frank M's support
Ros had discarded her jumper when she saw the starting hill. It was a warm sunny day for the UK. Also she needed to reduce the weight of her bag, so that she could carry her "water crossing" shoes, as advised, as possibly required, in the pre-walk write up.
It was a gorgeous winter day and as we strode off, heads were up and there was a spring in everyone's step. At the start of the walk heads are held high, we pick up our feet and we swing our walking poles
But that all changed when we hit the hills, and the hills, and the hills......
We had great views from the first ridge: to the west was Malhao and to the east was the rubbish tip just north of Barranco Velho - shimmering in the sun. But soon it was down into the valley to the water crossings. These had been frightened by Ros, carrying her extra shoes, and had reduced since the recce, the previous week. We skipped over without too much trouble for most.
Ken decided that 3 legs and a stick are better than 2 for crossing the stream |
Jasper got wet and was "Shaking all over", but we kept away.
And after wandering by the winding burbling brook through the valley, we came to the hill up to the deserted village of Barrigoes. The hill was advised as the toughest of the day, but as you might expect the Finicky Five found another hill after lunch to moan about as well.
You get to see the route to Barrigoes |
And then you get to experience it.
Barrigoes is in the middle of nowhere. The roads are all un-made. but there is still street lighting to guide from the middle of the collection of houses to the Font to collect your water. There are about 3 or 4 little groups of houses in the area. It also has a cell phone signal.
How important is it to catch up on our fast paced life? |
After our technology fix we set off downhill with great views over the valley and down to Sarnadinha, one of the few settlements still with people. It also has goats and sheep
Sarnadinha in the sunshine on the road to nowhere: gorgeous, but not a place I would choose to live
We crossed the road and travelled round the north of California: It took abut 20 minutes at the pace set by the Fast Five. We stopped for lunch in this era of covid and you can see that we could be called the Far-Flung Five by our separation.
Who has lost their daddy?
After lunch we had the hill which the Fatigued Four ( not me) thought was as bad as the morning one.
Fractional two of the Fatigued Four
As we tramped back to the cafe with leaden feet which were still dry - they refused to cross the last stream by the direct route but demanded that a 200m detour be taken. Ros's scuba diving boots have been reserved for a later date. They are the modern rubber ones and not the brass ones.
Statistics and Damn Lies..
Distance 17.5km
Elevation change 534m
Time 5hrs 15min
Walking speed 3.7km/hr (just right for the Fit Five)
Weather Fantastic
Frank M
20th November 2020