• Way out West on the 3rd      June 2020. by Jim H

    The western section of the AWW (well eight of us) assembled at the Amigos da Carra’ 
    Cafe at Carrapateria to walk some of the Rota Vicentina.

    Left to right: Sarah, Terry, Linda & Russell, Margaret, Scott, Ros.
    Sarah & Scott decided not to cuddle.

    We set off at a moderate pace in a SW direction. The skies were blue and it felt warm.
    We climbed gradually having nice views of the ocean.

     Scott realised that he had forgotten his mask.

    After turning inland and crossing the EN268 we walked through beautiful woodlands. 
    There were climbs and descents through the woodland.
    At a high point we stopped for a banana/water break but unfortunately Russell got 
    separated from the others. So I have reattached him. His arm got very long during
     this process.


    We descended again into another wooded valley and then I missed the track out 
    of the valley. This was not my fault as Sarah was busy talking to me, but fortunately
    we only did an extra 300 metres or so.
    We then did a very steep climb and I went from leading at the front to leading from 
    the rear. Fortunately nobody knew which way next so everyone waited for me.

    Finally we did the last descent before lunch and the last of the thick woodland

    Scott--surely Sarah is exaggerating??

    I went to great lengths to ensure that the walk included all amenities and the next
    stop was the public toilet but no-one availed themselves of this facility after all the
     trouble I went to.

    If you zoom in on this photo you will see that even hand-gel is provided. In these
    days of Covid19 hand washing is essential.
    It was now just 2 kilometres on a nice wide flat track to Pedralva where we stopped 
    for lunch.

    We eat our own food at a very comfortable and shaded picnic area

    We then set off to walk back to Carrapateira via Vilarinha. It was a flat walk through
    a beautiful green valley with many colours from various flowers.
    Normally there is the excitement of getting across 6 river crossings but all 
    crossings were totally dry and so the walk was without incident.

    Sarah’s photo of some  donkeys we passed


    Two more of Sarah’s photos

    At Vilarinha there was a short stretch of tarmac before we turned onto the last 
    section of track which took us through Beicudo.

    This is a shaded tree lined track and indeed goes all the way back on the flat into Carrapateira.

    However I think it always best to finish a walk with a descent so that means a climb 
    was needed, (to then do the descent!). We then turned onto a track to take us to the
    start of a climb taking us up to the top of the hills, behind the town, where the 
    trig-point is situated. This climb was steady away and as a good leader I went to the
    back to make sure no-one got lost!

    As I was the last to arrive at the trig-point I apparently had
    missed a photo opportunity, when everyone had climbed up.
    Well that's what they told me!

    Finally then the last km was downhill all the way to the cafe.

    And a final bonus was that the drinks bill was very reasonable.


    Distance: (with extra spur) 19.18km
    Active Time: 5hr 14min Speed 3.67km/hour Total Ascent 448m