Monday, 6 May 2019

AWW May 1st 2019

AWW May 1st Walk 2019 around Clareanes and Amendoeira

After a record of two cancellations in a row due to bad weather we finally had some decent sunshine and temperatures as a hardy group met in Cafe 1st Janeiro in Clareanes. Despite being injured Sue was there to welcome us all (or more likely to check we all paid our dues!). After a nice coffee we crossed the road and set off.

Starters were Miriam, Fearghal, David, Frank, Alison, Trish, Isabel, Roger, Ken and Sue. Our doggie friends Jasper and Bica and Baxter.

Turn left off the road and then the start of many hills to come as we climbed to our first and only Trig Point with nice views across the valley to Salir and Querenca.

 We wound our way down the hill, across N396 and after a bit of a false start down to the first water crossing. At this shaded picnic area we met a bunch of friendly locals celebrating May Day with a family feast. Typical of the warm-hearted Portuguese we were invited to join them for a beer, but wisely with a nod to the hills ahead we declined.

Check out the picnickers shellfish cooling in the nearby stream.

We then started a slow climb into the Porto Nobre hills under a clear blue sky.

The second of our water-crossings was a welcome relief for our three doggie friends who made the most of the opportunity.

We were now in familiar Amendoeira country and with prior knowledge of another long hill to come Alison decided to lave us at this point, the brave continued on to reach the hill top and a welcome break for lunch hiding from the sun.

After lunch yet more hills but on we went.

We now wound our way along with a promise of a sea view to come.

However before we could reach there we had to handle a 300m stretch of overgrown trail and some mutterings and complaints from our intrepid walkers.

Finally the sea view was in sight but sadly a bit of a disappointment (especially to Trish) due to the heat and haze.

There were several more hot and sweaty kilometers despite the protests and near mutinies from the walkers and canine companions before we arrived back at Cafe 1st Janeiro for a very welcome and deserved beer.

Notice all the smiles – pure relief it was over…

Total distance according to my track is 18.8km, elevation gain of 481m.Track below extracted from Wikiloc:



  1. Thanks Martin, ,looks as hot as the previous 2 non-walks were wet!

  2. Thanks Martin. Very enjoyable.
