Friday, 31 May 2019

AWW : 29th May 2019 “A Walk in the Park.......Parque da Fonte Ferrea”

AWW  : 29th May 2019    “A Walk in the Park.......Parque da Fonte Ferrea”


Susan, Jan, Martin, David, Sue, Alan, Frank, Tony and John..

Upon arrival at our meeting point we were greeted to the sight of several
dozen Bombeiros and INEM personnel who we assumed were there to
wave us off, or maybe were just taking a more pro-active approach to AWW
activities. In any event it was reassuring to know they were close at hand.

Anyway nine seemingly happy participants lined up under starters orders
clearly eager to get started on the first climb of the day although not before
cross checking the adequacy of each others water supplies given the
forecast 30c + temp. expected.

Oh, Jan’s water bottles were still in her Fridge !.

The caring bunch we are still decided that we couldn’t delay the start.

With no four legged companions trying to trip us all up we made good
progress from the car park up onto the ridge that provides great views
over the Serra do Caldeirao. Whilst some slowed to admire the scenery
for others this was just a physical necessity.


Unfortunately having nearly reached our peak altitude for the day within
30 mins of starting out, we now needed to descend sharply in order that
we could repeat the exercise, but this time climbing to 434m so we
could take in the views from Miradouro do Alto da Ameixeira.


This is usually a great spot to take a lunch break but with now limited
shade and still over 10km to cover we decided to push on, although not
before Susan made a very welcome distribution of fresh fruit cocktail. I
decided not to share my remaining fruit gums.

Lunch was eventually taken under the shade of several cork trees, some
sitting with legs dangling over a steep bank. All was very tranquil until
someone accidentally dropped what little contents they had brought with
them, and it certainly wasn’t water, down the bank.  Thankfully Martin’s
quick response and chivalry prevented the rest of us from needing to move.l

Homeward bound we skirted past the village of Cova da Muda but not
before witnessing the sad sight of numerous malnourished hunters dogs
some caged or chained and all looking rather forlorn. At least they had water.


Back at our destination and with all emergency personnel now gone it was a
relief to find the Cafe was now open and still stocked with beer !

        Brief Stats.

        Distance 15.22km


        Time 4.05mins including circa 15mins lunch stop.

In summary a warm brisk bracing walk

With thanks to all who came along.


Thursday, 23 May 2019

AWW Walk : 22 May 2019, Cafe Varzea

AWW : Walk Report 22.5.19 , Cafe Varzea

A select bunch set off from the Café Varzea.  Amazing everyone found it as they were looking for an
upside down café! Angie and Matt arrived just in time!!

(for those who don't appreciate the subtlety of this point, here is an extract from the walk instructions showing the upside-down cafe...

"...On M525 just before/after Tor crossroads at Ponte Tor. Park opposite the café on the road, just after/before the dual carriageway.

Inline image




Angie, Martin, Matt, Jan, Miriam, Bica, Sue, Ken, Frank

The first part of the walk took us along past the Quinta do Tor winery where all the vines looked in
excellent shape for the season. Unfortunately the Ribeira de Algibre was completely dry and even
growing poppies.



It was getting very hot and we had to have plenty of water stops.  


Another water stop in the shade. And yet another


Through the shade of the fir trees alongside the orange farm


And on and on in the heat, up a long slow hill looking for the perfect lunch spot.  Between a rock and a
shady place!


There obviously was some water to be found along the way


And so with fabulous views in the distance, we walked from shade to shade.

And on back to the café for a well-earned beer or two.  (Oh no, only 1 beer each as Sue was in
charge of cash!!)



Distance: 15.67 km
Time:         3 hours 31 mins plus 19.40 mins for lunch
Average speed:  4.45 km/hr
Maximum speed: 10.62 km/hr
Elevation: 231m
Calories burned: 1518 kcal.

Sorry no map.  Couldn’t work how to copy it from Runtastic to Word!

Miriam and Ken Wood

Thursday, 9 May 2019

Funcho and More

 Funcho and More : AWW walk Wednesday 8 May 2019

Getting a quorum of walkers these days, even for the GC, is getting harder than press-ganging leaders. Excuses run from " The dog eat the email " to  I'm climbing the Atlas Mountains...I'm in a Spa...I'm Mothering  &  & if I wasn't , I have sciatica...I'm in Scotland or Italy or UK or Jersey or Timbuctoo or anywhere it seems  but in the Algarve....I'm having new tyres fitted....we're going back on Thursday...we've only just got far!? calf is still playing up...we're teeing off at 0722....I'm WAGing...I'll be having breakfast ( & recovering from the night before)....

Anyway, 8 intrepid walkers gathered at the unseemly early hour of 0930 at the cafe de Silva , with a big welcome to Tor for his virgin AWW walk.  The starters, left to right : Sue, Sarah, Isabel ( who came especially back from The Land of the Rising sun to be there) , Martin, Tor, Alan, Scott and Geoff/leader/GC/etc etc.

We set off only 5 minutes late, up the ploughed field which has ruined the access to the ancient graves. We detoured there, and one of the more observant walkers wondered what the 12 symmetrical holes drilled in the stone were for?  Having sought   clarification from AWW Resident archaeologist, John H ( who was awol with the WAGS apparently ) we aren't much the wiser.... "Hmm! Pre-Roman, I would say. Apart from that, no idea "...said the sage!

(Archaeolgical note from says inter alia, .....the graves are from 6/7 century AD, Visigoth era....the menhirs on the horizon are from the neolithic era, the New Stone Age, 6,000 to 5,000 years pretty mention of the pre-Roman Chequers board though...)

Anyway, hiking up the hill warmed us all up, so some took an early opportunity to strip off...most just a sweatshirt, but we weren't quite sure how far Sarah was going to go...common decency, and being a bit slow with the camera, leaves an absence of photographic proof, but here is the "before " and " after" :


We skirted round the back of the village until we got to the snail farm, but no-one fancied buying any....


And so on to the Funcho Barragem, which I have never seen so low.....but it did mean we could walk along the side rather than having to detour inland on the road :

No AWW walk would be complete without a hill or two, and there were already mutterings about lunch : this was promised at the second farmhouse, though we had to stop at a trig point en route, for Sarah and Tor to climb.....

So full speed off to a late-ish lunch...with some debate between Sue & myself as to whether this was the one Rod took us too many moons ago...perhaps he can recall?

and then the final ascent....up a beautifully spring-flower strewn path...

And so, back to the Funcho , and again we were able to bypass some road and walk by the waterside...

Something had gone wrong with my calculations about time & distance...this walk was supposed to be two of my CVO Rambler walks, about 2.5 h and 2 h respectively, so about 18-20km by the time they were joined up and we had done the extra bit by the old farmhouse for lunch....but we  were all thinking " enough is enough" and the temptation of a cold Sagres proved too much, so we omitted the last part of the loop by the Funcho and headed back to Silva :

...just in time for the bread/cake van to come and Scott ( & his new four-legged friend) to enjoy a sample....

Stats & map courtesy of Tor;

21.87 kms
452 m elevation gain  (same as  elevation loss, which makes a change for such gizmos)
Moving time : 4h 54m
Total time : 5 h 45m.....only about 15mins for lunch ; rest was for admiring the views...
which I make 4.5 kmh...Russell would be proud of us!

More info at :

Thanks to all who last walk of the season...have a great summer, Sue & I hope to meet up again in October.


PS...and here's a late picture from Scott of Sarah's mountaineering...

Monday, 6 May 2019

AWW May 1st 2019

AWW May 1st Walk 2019 around Clareanes and Amendoeira

After a record of two cancellations in a row due to bad weather we finally had some decent sunshine and temperatures as a hardy group met in Cafe 1st Janeiro in Clareanes. Despite being injured Sue was there to welcome us all (or more likely to check we all paid our dues!). After a nice coffee we crossed the road and set off.

Starters were Miriam, Fearghal, David, Frank, Alison, Trish, Isabel, Roger, Ken and Sue. Our doggie friends Jasper and Bica and Baxter.

Turn left off the road and then the start of many hills to come as we climbed to our first and only Trig Point with nice views across the valley to Salir and Querenca.

 We wound our way down the hill, across N396 and after a bit of a false start down to the first water crossing. At this shaded picnic area we met a bunch of friendly locals celebrating May Day with a family feast. Typical of the warm-hearted Portuguese we were invited to join them for a beer, but wisely with a nod to the hills ahead we declined.

Check out the picnickers shellfish cooling in the nearby stream.

We then started a slow climb into the Porto Nobre hills under a clear blue sky.

The second of our water-crossings was a welcome relief for our three doggie friends who made the most of the opportunity.

We were now in familiar Amendoeira country and with prior knowledge of another long hill to come Alison decided to lave us at this point, the brave continued on to reach the hill top and a welcome break for lunch hiding from the sun.

After lunch yet more hills but on we went.

We now wound our way along with a promise of a sea view to come.

However before we could reach there we had to handle a 300m stretch of overgrown trail and some mutterings and complaints from our intrepid walkers.

Finally the sea view was in sight but sadly a bit of a disappointment (especially to Trish) due to the heat and haze.

There were several more hot and sweaty kilometers despite the protests and near mutinies from the walkers and canine companions before we arrived back at Cafe 1st Janeiro for a very welcome and deserved beer.

Notice all the smiles – pure relief it was over…

Total distance according to my track is 18.8km, elevation gain of 481m.Track below extracted from Wikiloc:
