Thursday, 26 October 2023



We few, we happy few, we band of brothers (and, er, sisters) gathered for a hastily-arranged trip down Memory Lane, aka Alte-again.

Julie, Ros, Tony, Peter, Linda (I tried, twice, to get a photo of Linda 😶), Frank and I. (Martin had to cry off as Rafa had been unwell)

And gentlemen (and, er, ladies) in England (or, er, Portugal) now a-bed, shall think themselves accursed they were not here.

Are you all sitting comfortably? Then I'll begin.

This was another variation on the Alte-Benafim axis that we did earlier this year, when we was well fit. To confuse people, I did it clockwise this time, and added in a few half-remembered loops (I hadn't had time to actually recce it, obvsly...)

We headed out past the Fontes. I nipped back to take the piss:

  Splendid Effort, there!

and we followed the VA once again to Benafim Pequeno, where the first of the ch-changes manifested itself; 

Nice lunch spot, 2023 Q2

had turned into this:

 Nasty lunch spot, 2023 Q4

(They seem to have decided that it was too 'authentic'; and a nice tin roof or two would improve it enormously)

So we wandered onwards... making a small detour to check on the statue of what's-er-name rising from the thingummy:

(No changes there, thank goodness)

... down through the orange groves etc (although Peter was thrilled to see Benafim's ETAR, and nearly insisted on a detour):

... under darkening skies ...

... and back via the Low Road, to the Main Road.

Struggling up the hill to Alte itself, 

... we discovered the second ch-ch-change:


Hole in the ground, 2023 Q2

had become This:

 Ummm.. not sure, 2023 Q4

.. which also must be regarded as some kind of improvement, I guess...

So, finally back to o Folclore for more idle chat, especially focusing on the pros and cons of Bilbao's Guggenheim Museum:

"Opinions varied" as to whether it was all one big con, or the best thing since trenchers of bread.

The Six Survivors, all stitched up.

Stats and Track:

And So To Bed.

Terry M

Monday, 23 October 2023

Miriam’s Fears Unfounded!, Circuit of Monchique, October 18th 2023


Miriam’s Fears Unfounded!, Circuit of Monchique


October 18th 2023

Our merry group met at 9:45 in Intermarche café for the obligatory Abatanado. Weather was fine and thankfully cool unlike the previous Saturday when it was 29C.

The route started at Intermarche and immediately climbed for up about 180m over a few k before dropping precipitously through an uncomfortable gorge (Geoff may remember a minor incident there a few years back).  Despite her worst fears Miriam had no issue with it and flew down (not literally). The second phase is a little off-piste along a track that arrives down close to Caldes De Monchique. There we took the group photo.

Group Photo:  Terry, Miriam, Jill, Martin, Ness, Peter, Ken.  Dogs Rafa and Bika on guard duty.

After a brief (2k of tarmac) mostly flat section, the serious climb started.  Very soon Ken decided he had had enough and found some alternate transport options.

Ken and modern bike.

The climb continued for about 4k whereupon we stopped for lunch on a short tarmac link road.


Lunch Stop

The climb resumed post lunch and eventually reached the foot of Picota. There were no volunteers to accompany Martin to the top so he reluctantly stayed with the group.  You can see how disappointed he is in the following photo.


Top of the pass group

From the top its an easy decent back down to Monchique and a welcome drink.


Total Distance : 14k

Total Climb ~ 700m

Time about 4 hours

Friday, 13 October 2023

 AWW 11th October 2023

A walk in the valleys around Tor ... followed by the long climb back up

A small group assembled at the Bela Vista café, Soalheira, where the coffee took so long to make, we didn't bother.  L to R: Martin, David, Frank, Miriam, Claire, Jan, Susan and John.  In the front Rafa, and Ziggy - John and Susan's dog.  Bica was still in the car! We waited a while for Peter, but had to leave without him; Jan promised to leave markers for him to catch up once he arrived. (Read the start time Peter!)

The first part of the walk was a steepish downhill along the roads until we reached the track. Markers having been left for Peter, we headed down along the valley. 

Although it wasn't quite as hot as previous walks, it was still very warm, and we had to have frequent water breaks.

Although we had had several messages from Peter, we decided to stop for a drink at the Aligbre river and Claire went off for a comfort break.  What an inopportune moment for Peter to appear round the bend!!

There was absolutely no sign of any water in the river, so we headed uphill towards Tor through a lovely shady area.

We skirted round the south of Tor, and headed back down to the river bed, still no water, and came across Martins lunch spot from last week.

There was some dissension in the ranks about staying there for lunch, but as Miriam pointed out, there was a long hill to climb and best done before lunch!  So on we went.

Passing by a fonte, we headed down to the riverbed, where it was apparent to all that there hadn't been any water in the river for quite a while.

After a good hours climb, we finally found some shady rocks and enjoyed some rest and sustenance.

Further up we went after lunch, still climbing until we came across the "Limestone pavement".  David gave me a quick Geography lesson on what it was, and apparently typically, it is a natural landform consisting of a flat incised surface of exposed limestone that resembles a pavement.  In fact this version didn't resemble a pavement, but apparently there is a famous one in Malham Cove, Yorkshire.

Bica got bored listening to the lesson, so found a hole to sit in and wait.

By now we were high enough to see the views over the valley.

One final water stop and " are we nearly there yet"

Finally we arrived back at the café in Soalheira, and fortunately the lunchtime staff were on duty so we got served quickly.

In case the writing is too small to read, 

Length 16.46 km
Elevation gain 350m
Moving time 3 hrs 37 minutes
Average pace 4.58 (pretty good i think!)

Thursday, 5 October 2023

 AWW Wednesday 4th October 2023Around the Tor countryside and Ribeira de Algibre

On yet another beautiful morning we met just off the main Loule to Salir road near to the Tor Winery. With some people still away and some nervous of the continuing hot temperatures a hardy six arrived at the start with our two canine companions:

From the left (top photo) David, Miriam, Alan, Peter and Ken with the award winning Bica in front. Rafa was simply not bothered.

We set off promptly at 10am and within a kilometer or two started the first and most significant hill on an otherwise relatively easy and flat hike.

Even at this early stage it was getting quite warm and our doggie friends fell into a pattern of shade hopping - moving ahead to the next shaded spot and waiting there for us to pass before jumping ahead again.

After the long hot summer it was good to meet and chat with old friends.

Along the way we saw some interesting rock formations, graffiti and of course wonderful countryside.

Our lunch stop was at the football pitch just outside Tor where a few well shaded benches were well placed.

After lunch we returned to the main road via a nice shaded path where David demonstrated his tree hugging credentials.

Reaching the main road we decided democratically to slightly shorten the route via a short 200m to the Cafe Varieza where some cold beers and refreshments were enjoyed. A couple of extra hundred meters brought us up the hill and back to our awaiting cars.

Total hike was approx. 13km

Many thanks for everyone's company and special thanks to Alan for his photos.
